Last week our Diocese posted this quote from Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI on Twitter. It seemed a fitting reflection of what we are preparing for as we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe in this second week of Advent: "Advent is the season of the presence and expectation of the eternal. For this very reason, it is a particular way, a period of joy, an interiorized joy that no suffering can diminish. It is joy in the fact that God made himself a Child. This joy, invisibly present within us, encourages us to journey on with confidence. A model and support of this deep joy is the Virgin Mary, through whom we were given the Infant Jesus. May she, a faithful disciple of her Son, obtain for us the grace of living this liturgical season alert and hardworking, while we wait. Amen!"
This week, as our 7th grader walks us through some radical community care, what she describes made me think of on an off-line GoFundMe. With our weekly canned food collection (please see below) our coat drive and Christmas adopt-a-Family we are doing a mini version of a GoFundMe, we are bringing radical community care into our neighborhood.
Radical Community Care
by Giovanna
One way we can help our community in a radical way is by having an event where we collect many objects for people who need it. The church would spread word about the event before the date. Then, the event would occur in a public place. During the event people would be asked to donate sweaters, canned goods, books, toys, or anything that could help a poor family.
After this event, everyone who participated with the collecting would sort the items. After sorting the items, we would put them in labeled boxes. Finally, we would donate the boxes to a homeless shelter in L.A.
Last week 7th grade watched Busted Halo's "Advent in 2 Minutes." This video really delivers, getting to the heart of Advent in an engaging way without seeming rushed (they also have other resources that are worth checking out). Here is what 7th said after watching it: "Lent and Advent are easily confused. Advent means that Jesus is arriving, but Lent means Jesus is leaving."; "I really liked the video and what it had to say about what Advent really is. I also really liked the music in the background."; "My thought on the video is that Advent is not just a time where we wait for Christmas, it's a time where we pray and be joyful that Jesus is born. We learn waiting patiently for something good is something we are supposed to do, to learn to be patient because miracles always happen."; "It's a special love for God and his birth."; "Advent is a season of hope because we wait for a lot of arrivals."; "Advent is a cozier time where we prepare for Christmas, the coming of Christ. Advent is a season of hope."; "A lot of people really forget what 'Christmas Time'/Advent is. As Catholics, we need to remember what the true meaning of Christmas is. No need to shop, but to prepare."
Thank you for weekly helping those in need in our community keep fed. From the beginning of school through the end of November we have already collected 30 bins of food for those who need help making meals for their families. We also thank Mrs. Samaan and Mrs. Luna who deliver the food the Family Services for us. Radical community care in action every week here at Sacred Heart.
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister