Parent Letter Faith Reflection

   Sometimes our Lord stretches us in ways that are difficult and uncomfortable as I wrote about last week. Other times we welcome the changes even as we have to adapt and adjust.

   Now that I am the Jr. High aide in the morning part of what I do is cover their morning break. New to doing this it was interesting to watch the 6th graders for the first time as they adjusted to their new schedule. Break time for Jr. High is a little different than it is for the little guys and many of the 6th graders were at a loss for what to do and how to act that first week. I could empathize as it was new to me also. I, too, was a little confused and didn’t quite know what to do as I adjusted to now watching the big kids. However, both the 6th graders and I are excited to be where we are and we both like that we are getting to see and do new things.

   Last week a booklet called Celebrating Sunday for Catholic Families 2018-2019 was put in the yellow envelopes. This booklet has the readings for each Sunday for the whole school year. It’s a wonderful little booklet that gives you some prompts to help you and your family reflect on that Sunday’s readings. This booklet can be used any time but is especially designed to be used as you go to and from Mass. However you incorporate this booklet into your weekly routine it is sure to strengthen your family’s faith and stretch you in comfortable ways. I’m looking forward to doing something similar with the Jr. High at the end of the week.

   We may be just coming back from summer break but Miss. Morrison and her Cinema for the Soul has been humming along all summer showing faith-inspiring films. Now in their new, more spacious and comfortable location in the parish basement this month’s offering is Maudie. Be inspired as folk artist Maud Lewis starts painting even when severe pain should hold her back. Join Miss Morrison Thursday, Sep 13th, at 7:00p in the Olive hall.


   Thank you. Mrs. Alhadef
