Faith Reflection: Radical Community Care
Many are familiar with the saying, “Be careful what you pray for, you just may get it.” To that saying I would like to add, “Be careful what you write about in your faith reflection, you just may live it.”
Back in June, as we prepared for summer, I had talked about how the Eucharist sustains us whether we find ourselves going to enjoyable places or uncomfortable places over the break. As I found myself in an uncomfortable place all summer long when, unexpectedly, I needed to find a new home, was concerned about two friends with medical problems, and a whole long list of other things that kept coming up these past two months, the Eucharist did help sustain me through it all. That, and the kindness and care offered by all the people I called on to get me through each challenge as it arose.
And so it was being on the receiving end of this amazing, and continual, kindness of those who I turned to all summer long that got me to thinking about how we, as Christians, are called to reach out and help those around us. With the Synod on Youth coming up in October, and accordingly, a strong focus being put on hearing from our youth and young adults, I thought this would make for a good essay topic this year from our 7th graders. When they return from Alpine you will hear their thoughts on how we can radically care for all our brothers and sisters.
Indeed it will be the Eucharist and amazing and continual kindness that will sustain us as we grow in faith and knowledge throughout this school year. May we all have a blessed and awesome year.
Thank you. Mrs. Alhadef