Parent Letter Faith Reflection

Faith Reflection:  Mercy—The Beauty of Our Young

    In the Coordinator’s Corner in our parish bulletin this week, Deacon Steve Serembe was reflecting on this Sunday’s Gospel where Jesus drives out of the Temple people and things that were obstructing the worship of God in “His Father’s House.” “Jesus had no patience,” Deacon Steve said, “for those who allowed the lure of the market place and corruptive forces of consumerism to direct or diminish the loyalties that should belong to God alone.” Having set the tone, he then went on to ask what are those obstacles that are keeping us from fully living our faith. After posing that question he next asked if we would entrust ourselves to the Lord and let go of those obstacles we have that are like what Jesus faced that day in the Temple. Lastly, Deacon Steve offered some ways to live our faith right here in our parish: Stations of the Cross, Cinema for the Soul, Reconciliation, and several Bible studies. What hit home though, as he offered these spiritual opportunities, was when he said (his emphasis), “Whether you think you to need to or not, I hope you will come to [these] communal services to strengthen your faith.” Obstacles. Lent is a good time to work on removing them, to grow in your faith, and follow Jesus more closely. Obstacles, or opportunities?

   This week our 7th grader talks about people drifting away from God and how we can remove obstacles that keep us from putting Jesus at the center of our lives.

 Religion Essay

 by Alex H.

   Being a Catholic is a very special thing. Some young people are very close to God, but a lot aren’t. It seems that a lot of young people don’t have time for Mass or God, people are drifting from God. A way we could improve this is by spreading the Word. In today’s world we could do this by Social Media. It reaches millions of people, and even the Pope has a Twitter account.

   We all have faith in God. Our faith can grow by fully participating in church. Sometimes church can be boring. It we think it is boring then it is up to us to find a way to make it more fun and worth our time. We can help plan activities especially directed at young people. If we do this we can become active members of the Church and grow in our faith and our love for God.

   Pope Francis has instituted a new Marian feast day. As of this year the first Monday after Pentecost will now be celebrated as Mary, Mother of the Church. This is an ancient devotion that came into prominence again in 1964 when Pope Paul VI declared our Blessed Mother as Mother of the Church, asking the entire Christian people to invoke her by "this tenderest of titles." This year the first Monday after Pentecost is 21 May.

   Click on the link to our Diocese's Lent Resource Page where you will find a variety of videos and articles for spiritual nourishment.  

    Thank you.  Mrs. Alhadef
