Faith Reflection: Mercy—The Beauty of Our Young
Our Church is missionary by nature. We are all called to be missionaries, bringing the word of God to others through our lives, our actions, and at times, more direct evangelizing. “This missionary conversion,” Archbishop Vigneron of Detroit said in his pastoral letter, Unleash the Gospel, “entails a strikingly countercultural way of living grounded in prayer, Scripture, and the sacraments, unusually gracious hospitality; a capacity to include those on the margins of society; and joyful confidence in the providence of God even in difficult and stressful times.”
This week we begin sharing the essays our 7th graders wrote on what are the needs and hopes of our youth today. Inspired by the questions the bishops proposed to young people through an on-line survey this summer our own youth will share with us their thoughts and ideas and how they can better live out their faith, keeping it alive, and how we can help them in this. Our first essay will ground us in the very things the Archbishop saw as foundational to today’s new missionary effort.
Essay on Youth
by Angelina Arciga
One way the youth can spread the good news of God is by telling people why God sacrificed himself for us. Young people can tell others that we have free will and explain how Jesus, through his crucifixion, sacrificed himself so we would be freed from our sins.
Another way young people can spread the Word is by going to church. They can listen to the scriptures, the homily, and receive communion. This will make our faith stronger.
Our parish offers the Anointing of the Sick on the third Saturday of the month after the 4:30pm Mass. The office of Charismatic Renewal also offers an opportunity for receiving the Anointing of the Sick after their Healing Masses offered throughout the year. The Masses are at Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral in San Bernardino at 7:00 pm. Done through the Office of Charismatic Renewal the Mass is preceded by about a half hour of praise and charismatic worship. The next Healing Mass is Monday, October 16. If our Saturday time does not work with your schedule you may want to consider these opportunities at the Cathedral. For urgent needs, such as planned surgeries or someone who is dying, you can always contact one of our parish priests through the parish office.
Thank you. Mrs. Alhadef