Faith Reflection: Mercy—The Beauty of Our Young
Recently I was given a children’s book by an author/illustrator who I like. The behind the scene story I learned was that while on vacation one of our Jr. High students, knowing my love for artsy children’s stories, had come up to his mum with a book about a little owl asking if he could get it for me. Confidently assuring her this was the type of books I like she gladly bought it. Upon receiving it, not only was I delighted with the gift, the first thing I said was that it was one of my favorite illustrators, confirming what her son had told her back in the bookshop. I love it when art and faith come together.
I mention all this, not only because it’s a delightful story about living the Gospel, but also as a lead in to sharing Pope Francis’ message in the newest video from, the website I mentioned last month. As we wait for the 7th graders to return and turn in their essays, pulling from these videos gives me a chance to play up something artistic, which I love to do, that very possibly will inspire your prayer life. The videos are only one to two minutes, are nicely done, and you can sign up to have them delivered to your in box each month as a reminder to pray for the Pope’s intentions.
September 2017—The Pope video: Parishes at the service of the mission
Parishes must be in contact with homes, with people’s lives, with the life of society. They have to be houses where the door is always open so as to go forth toward others. And it is important that this going-forth follows a clear proposal of faith. The doors must be opened so that Jesus can go out with all of the joy of his message. Let us pray for our parishes, that they not be simply offices, but that aimated by a missionary spirit, may be places where faith is communicated and charity is seen.
Thank you. Mrs. Alhadef