Parent Letter - Faith Reflection

Faith Reflection: Mercy—Love in action

   Every year it’s both poignant and healing to read the list of names of those who have died during the past year that is displayed in the front of the altar.  Some years are easier than others to read through the list.  The years that my husband, dad, or brother were among those being remembered were years that it was a bit harder.  Maia, in her essay, says that every time we do something merciful we are one step closer to God.  Reading through the list after our school Mass yesterday it was consoling to think how God’s great mercy has brought these departed loved ones of ours one step closer to His loving heart.

How Can I Evangelize Mercy?

by Maia

   Mercy.  When we think of mercy we think Jesus, he died for us.  And we think how can I be merciful like God?  Well, we can donate to the poor.  We are like Jesus when he kept helping the poor because he just wanted them to be comforted and that is what we are trying to accomplish.  We can help the sick by going to the hospital and doing something for them.  Like when Jesus helped the blind man, the man who couldn’t walk, and the girl that touched Jesus’ cloak.

   We are like Jesus in so many ways.  We are his disciples and he is calling us to finish his work to make the world a better place.  We are following the light.  Every time we do something merciful we are one step closer to God.  And that makes us one with God.  Amen.

   This Sunday there are several things happening worth noting.  Michael James Mette will be giving a concert for the whole family at 2p in the Olive parish hall.  I will have to miss this concert as I will be at St. Therese parish in Alhambra to celebrate the canonization of one our Carmelite saints.  Archbishop Gomez will be the celebrant for this Mass honoring St. Elisabeth of the Trinity who was canonized 16 October 2016.  And this Sunday, 6 November, is the 40th day of the 40 Days for Life vigil near Planned Parenthood on Commercenter in San Bernardino.

   This coming Monday, 7 November, El Carmelo will resume their Monday night adoration along with praying the Rosary from 7-8p.  Confession is available during this time.

   In October, in addition to the 5 bins of pasta and sauce we collected during our school Masses for the Boys and Girls Club and AJ’s Kitchen, we also donated 5 bins of other food to Family Services.  Thank you for your continued generosity. 

   Thank you.  Mrs. Alhadef
