Principal's Letter Faith Reflection

Advent calls us to hope in the promise that God is calling us to greater things and will be with us as we live them.—Joan Chittister, O.S. B.

   At morning assembly during Advent we light the Advent candles each morning followed by singing O Come, O Come Emmanuel. What some don’t realize is that this is the last of the O Antiphons, the responsorial that is said before and after the canticle to Mary during Vespers (evening prayer).

    Each Advent I look forward to praying the O Antiphons that begin on 17 December and continue until 23 December. These messianic titles—O Wisdom, O Lord of Israel, O Root of Jesse, O Key of David, O Radiant Dawn, O King of All Nations, O Emmanuel—from the Hebrew scriptures are filled with hope; hope of the king who is to come; hope that the deep longing in our hearts will be fulfilled.

    These ancient titles remind us that Advent is more than just preparing for Christmas, it’s about keeping Jesus solidly in our lives. As we long for Emmanuel—God is with us—who will be here soon, we can reflect on this passage from the prophet Malachi/Malaquias (3:1): Lo, I am sending my messenger to prepare the way before me; And suddenly there will come to the temple the Lord whom you seek, and the messenger of the covenant whom you desire. Yes, he is coming, say the Lord of hosts./Yo, envío a mi mensajero, para que prepare el camino delante di mí. Y en seguida en su Templo el Señor que ustedes buscan; y el angel de la alianza que ustedes desean ya viene, dice el Señor de los ejércitos.

Showcasing SHA talent: Savannah in 7th is ready for Christmas with her nicely decorated tree.

God bless,

Mrs. Alhadef

Campus Minister

4th Grade Aide
