Pope Francis, in his encyclical that we looked at last week, wants us to reclaim the heart of Jesus as something more than a passing devotion. He reminds us that the Heart of Jesus is the wellspring of authenticity, love, and transformation. It’s where our freedom meets God’s grace. Sometimes we don’t see this, caught up as we are in our everyday lives. Joan Chittister, O.S.B., in a “US Catholic” article showed how Advent can help us meet God’s grace.
In her article, Chittister turned to hope, the theme of the first week of Advent, saying, “...hope is not made of denial. Hope is made of memories...Hope is the recall of good in the past, on which we base our expectation of good in the future, however bad the present. It digs in the rubble of the heart for memory of God’s promise to bring good out of evil and joy out of sadness and, on the basis of those memories of the past, takes new hope for the future.
This reading from the prophet Jeremiah/Jeremias (33:14-15) from the first Sunday of Advent can help us slow down and be drawn into the hope of this season: The days are coming, says the Lord, when I will fulfill the promise I made to the house of Israel and Judah. In those days, in that time, I will raise up for David a just shoot; he shall do what is right and just in the land./Llegarán los días, oráculo del Señor, en que you cumpliré la promesa que pronuncié acerca de la casa de Israel y Judá. En aquellos días y en aquel tiempo, haré brotar para David un germen justo, y él practicará la justicia y el derecho en el país.—Jeremiah/Jeremias 33: 14-15
Showcasing SHA talent: Victoria in 7th is not only filled with hope, she is taking time to decorate a Christmas treee.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
4th Grade Aide