The Resurrection is grace, not magic...The Resurrection is an invitation, an invitation to join hands with Christ to continue the work of human redemption.—Father Satish Joseph
The eclipse earlier this month wasn’t very visible here in Southern California, but 5th grade did their best to experience it. Looking through a pin hole to a piece of paper with our backs to the sun we didn’t see much but we still had fun. Unlike 5th grade, Martha Ligas had a full experience that she wrote about recently. What was interesting to read was her describing the contrast of the few minutes of darkness to the emerging light, connecting it to the liturgical season we are in; “There was no denying the beauty of the emerging light. But for me, that transformation, the shift from dismal night to the radiant day, was a bit jarring. The return of the light was so bright, so surprising, that I was almost taken aback. Strangely, in those few minutes, I had gotten used to the dark.”
Ligas used this brief time watching an eclipse to show how our faith, like eclipse glasses, is a tool that helps us adjust to light, in this case the light of the Easter season. “Without our faith...we wouldn’t be able to make sense of the light of the Easter season. The shift from death to life would be too jarring, to unbelievable to hard to see. But, with the faith that comes from Easter hope, the mystery of it all becomes just a little bit clearer...”
How neat that an eclipse can help us to see we are an Easter people and alleluia is our song.
Showcasing SHA talent: Hannah in 3rd not only is a compassionate caretake of creation, she also shows us even the animals sing alleluia.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
5th Grade Aide