By loving him without reserve and letting ourselves be loved completely, the two great commandments of charity are incarnated in us and become but one/amándolo sin reservas y dejándose amar hasta el final, los dos grandes mandamientos de la carídad se encarnen en nosotros y se conviertan en uno solo.—Venerable Madeleine Delbrêl
In October Pope Francis released an exhortation on St. Thérèse of Lisieux, and at his November 8th general audience he talked about another French woman whose spiritual life was as deep as Thérèse’s. As Diego Fares, SJ, wrote about Madeleine Delbrêl in “La Civiltà Cattolica," "she is one of those great women who embody the fidelity of Mary Magdalene, the boldness of Paul, the generosity of the Good Samaritan, and the faith and enthusiasm for Jesus and in Jesus of so many Gospel characters.”
Declared Venerable in 2018 Madeleine Delbrêl grew up with no faith tradition. Born in 1904 she became Catholic at 20 after seeing how important their Catholic faith was to some of her peers. For Madeleine loving God and loving her neighbor were “inseparable but distinct.” As she said, “We don’t learn Love, we get to know it little by little, as we get to know Christ. Faith in Christ makes us capable of Love; the life of Christ reveals to us what Love is; the life of Christ shows us how to desire Love and how to receive Love. The Spirit of Christ makes us alive with Love, active with Love, fruitful with Love.”
Showcasing SHA talent: Madeleine Delbrel would have known how to calm this street fight Norah from 4th drew.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
5th Grade Aide