For from the greatness and beauty of created things their original author, by analogy, is seen./Porque, a partir de la grandeza y hermosura de los cosas, si llega por analogía, a contemplar a su Autor.—Wisdom 13:5
The Via Pulchritudinis is a Latin phrase that means “the way of beauty.” Beauty is good, and the way of beauty, as the Pontifical Council for Culture wrote in 2006, “can open the pathway for the search for God, and can dispose the heart and spirit to meet Christ who is the Beauty of Holiness Incarnate...The Way of Beauty can help us through perceptible beauty to eternal beauty [to]...God, the author of all beauty.”
There however, are obstacles that can keep us from seeing and responding to beauty. In the October “Visions and Viewpoint” newsletter Joan Chittister used a well known quote from Confucius, “Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.”
This is as true today as during Confucius’ time. “Too often,” Chittister pointed out, “we miss the obvious: beauty is meant to enable us to transcend the mundane, to escape the frivolous...Because of beauty, we may begin to see that the purpose of life is to make beauty possible. Beauty brings peace to the soul and satisfaction to the heart.” We seek beauty because, as the Pontifical Council wrote, beauty turns “astonishment to marvel, admiration to gratitude, happiness to contemplation.”
Showcasing SHA talent: With 5th grade Emma's drawing we can see the beauty in mice.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
5th Grade Aide