The living and breathing theme of the Christian life is love and compassion, life lived according to the Spirit of God/El tema vivo y que respira de la vida cristiana es el amor y la compasión, la vida vivida según el Espíritu de Dios.—Gene Ciarlo
With Saint Francis’ feast day this week (4 Oct), I wasn’t surprised I have come across more articles reflecting on him. In one article, Gene Ciarlo, in his review of a new book about St. Francis, points out that Francis was not a good orator, or writer, or even a good theologian. What Francis was good at, was keeping God at the center of his life; he preached Jesus, “his compassion and his unselfishness, his giving of himself so that others might have a richer life.”
St. Francis may not have been a great speaker and may not have been able to talk well about university level theology but people were drawn to him because “he made them feel necessary and important in the eyes of God,” observed Ciarlo. “Francis preached Jesus, his compassion and his unselfishness, his giving of himself so that others might have a richer life.”
We, too, don’t need to know the Scriptures by heart or have a theology degree—a life well-lived speaks volumes. Ciarlo points out, ”Breaking open the Word of God must lead us to become more than we are because it is a living, moving, growing word. Christians have to become. They, we, are not made whole and sanctified by baptism. We gradually grow into the Word of God who is Jesus. Christianity is a process of becoming, and it is timeless.”
Showcasing SHA talent: Are these pigs, that Rihana and Ashley in 7th grade drew, dancing because they see Saint Francis coming?
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
5th Grade Aide