“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news!
/¡Que hermosos son los pies de los que traen la buena nueva!” Romans 10: 15/Isaiah 52:7
The story of Pentecost is that all heard (in their own language) what the disciples were proclaiming, and all were filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2: 4-12). The Spirit speaks to all through the language of action and community; the first/action of the Holy Spirit, then and now, gives us the audacity to go forth when we might otherwise be tempted to hold back.
“The Holy Spirit loves to create harmony out of diversity.” Pope Francis said in his Pentecost homily. The Spirit creates harmony by inviting us to “experience amazement at her love, and at her gifts in others.” In seeing all are filled with the Spirit we can see each other as brother and sisters in faith, as part of the same body of which we also are a member. In doing this, in “thinking and acting in terms of community,” it means we make room for others, we imagine “a future where each person can find his or her place and space in the world,” Francis affirmed.
As we go into summer and celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi we, as the body of Christ, can keep to heart that “a community that is able to give voice to the voiceless is what we all need.” In keeping our community strong we will be filled with that inner harmony the Holy Spirit gives and that will help us to have a blessed summer.
Showcasing SHA talent: Katherine in 3rd shows us setting sail into summer.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
4th Grade Aide
Jr. High ELA Aide