The work you have begun so well, complete it!/¡El trabajo que has comenzado tan bien, complétalo! - St. Claire of Assisi
“A holy moment,” 7th grade Zi began, “is when you make yourself open to God.” “You set aside self interests and preferences, and you do what God is calling you to do.”
Zi finds that holy moments are “profoundly simple, practical, and once you discover [them], your life will make sense.” Holy moments, he’s also noticed, are contagious. “Doing good deeds inspires others to do good deeds. There’s a ripple effect to it that can turn into a tidal wave of goodness if enough people participate.”
“It can be hard to open yourself up to God,” Zi said, but he knows some ways that will help us find holy moments. He asks us to start with prayer. Whether praying alone or with others, he knows “taking time each day to express gratitude for the blessings in your life can also help you cultivate a sense of connection to God.”
“Humility,” Zi tells us, can also help us find holy moments “by acknowledging that we are not the center of the universe, being mindful of your own ego and recognizing when it is driving your actions and decisions.” Being humble allows us to let go of “the need to control outcomes and trust that God has a plan for you.”
Lastly, he says, “doing what God calls you to do requires courage, faith and a willingness to follow your heart. It may involve stepping outside your comfort zone or taking risks, but trust that God is with you every step of the way.” Holy moments,” Zi says in summary, “can show you what is possible/Los momentos sagrados pueden mostrarte lo que es posible.”
Showcasing SHA talent: Veda in 1st is finding a holy moment by listening to God and following her heart.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
4th Grade Aide
Jr. High ELA Aide