If we could lift ourselves up to the ultimate degree simply by reading holy scripture, then this would be just another philosophical movement, without this element of community that is such a vital element in faith.—from Benedictus by Pope Benedict XVI / Si pudiéramos alcanzar el máximo nivel leyendo simplemente las sagradas escrituras, entonces este serı́a solo otro movimiento ϐilosóϐico, sin este elemento de comunidad que es un componente tan vital de la fe. traducido de Benedictus por el Papa Benedicto XVI
One of the things I like about Advent is that the communal aspect is so noticeable. We gather together for so many events during this time to pray or eat or help our less fortunate neighbors. We are an evangelizing community but we do this first and foremost by reaching out and getting involved in people’s daily lives to make them better. We aren’t looking for conversions as much as we are trying to be Jesus’ hands and heart; seeds planted this way produce an abundant harvest.
As we participate in assembling the Christmas baskets at the parish, joining for the Guadalupe procession tonight, the Guadalupe Mass tomorrow night, the Guadalupe Mass and dinner Sunday evening, the Simbang Gabi Mass and dinner on the 16th, and/or the parish Christmas program on the 18th. we join with our broader community, and through patience and support we nourish our souls and bring Christ into the world.
Showcasing SHA talent: Working in teams, 7th grade made some Christmas trees to decorate our fence as you go through car line.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
4th Grade Aide
Jr. High ELA Aide