Parent Letter Faith Reflection

God comes to people through people/Dios llego a las personas por medio de las personas.

- Pope Benedict XVI

    Did you get your Advent activity bag the parish handed out on Sunday? Inside it has all sorts of Advent activities, from a reflection booklet and Jesus banner, to a list of events coming up during this season (think Our Lady of Guadalupe and Simbang Gabi).

    The Advent bags are little bags of goodness, gratitude, and beauty. Its contents help us to prepare for Christmas seeing that “the beauty of Christmas shines through the sharing of small gestures of love,” as Pope Francis said. For us at SHA one of those small gestures of love (goodness) are the families in the community each class has adopted for Christmas; we are grateful that we will have our Christmas program this year; and as for beauty, have you seen the new playground resurfacing? It’s not only safe, it’s quite lovely also.

    Those little bags were packed with much to help us prepare for Christmas, and even if you didn’t get one, just by looking at what is around us, you can still see, as Pope Francis said, “the beauty of God who became flesh, the beauty of faces, of stories, the beauty of creatures who...share in the praise of the Most High,” during these weeks of Advent.

 Showcasing SHA talent: Inspired by Georges Seurat’s pointillism, Alexis, 4th grade, prepared a nice home for Jesus.


 God bless,

 Mrs. Alhadef

Campus Minister

4th Grade Aide

Jr. High ELA Aide
