In his address on 9 October for the opening of Synod 2023, Pope Francis stressed how we need to be a “Church of closeness.” “If we do not become this Church of closeness with attitudes of compassion and tender love,” he said, “we will not be the Lord’s Church.”/”Si nosotros no llegamos a ser esta Iglesia de la cercanía con actitudes de compasión y ternura, no seremos la Iglesia del Señor.”
This closeness and compassion is what I had in the back of my mind as I listened to Fr. Erik’s homily the next day. As he told a story about being asked two questions before entering heaven, ”Did you find joy/¿Encontraste la alegría?,” “Did you bring joy/¿Trajiste la alegría,?” I thought what a graced way that is to live our lives. It's another way to read Matthew 25: 35-40, “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you…,” and put it into action; in doing this we are being close to others.
At SHA there are many times throughout the year where we show we are a Church of closeness when we reach out to our local community. This week 4th grade and 8th grade wrote cards to the residents at Assistencia Villa. We still are not able to go in person, but we can bring colorful drawings inspired by the book It Looked Like Spilt Milk and bring a smile to many faces.
Showcasing SHA talent: Inspired by the It Looked Like Spilt Milk book, Abby, 4th, let’s us know that what we think is a rabbit is really chocolate, but she knows the smile you have on your face is really a smile.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
4th Grade Aide
Jr. High ELA Aide