"We walk by faith and not by sight—not because we are blind, but because faith gives us the courage to face our fears and put those fears in a context that makes them less frightful. We walk by faith and not by sight because there are places to go that cannot be seen and the scope of our vision is too small for our strides. Faith is not a denial of facts—it is a broadening of focus. It does not deny the hardness of guitar stings, it plucks them into the sweetness of sound." - Rich Mullins
As Mary Magdalene struggled with her sadness and confusion at the reality of the empty tomb, her faith allowed her to remain there searching for answers; her strong faith in the Jesus she had come to know as his disciple helped her put her fears into a context that made than less frightful. Having faith doesn't mean we will have an easy ride but it can provide us with that needed vision to see beyond what is in front of us. In doing this we aren’t in denial of the reality of facts but are “pushing our understanding deeper in directions that we might never have thought about before,” as Br. Guy Consolmagno wrote in a Vatican Observatory article last month.
We walk by faith and not only by sight—and it turns out this is good. Amen. Alleluia.
Showcasing 7th grade’s talents: Though the 7th graders were on the blacktop making chalk drawings of Elephant and Piggie playing sports for our Pre-Schoolers, it just happens that the way Siobhan, Angelina, Sophia P., and Jillianne drew theirs it turns us on our heads as Mary Magdelene experienced at the empty tomb.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
4th Grade Aide
Jr. High ELA Aide