Parent Letter Faith Reflection
In the Advent reflection book I’m reading this year one of the reflections pulls from the book I’ll Push You. This story of two friends who make their way along the Camino de Santiago in Spain is plucky; one of the friends is wheelchair bound and when he asks his friend how could he possibly make this pilgrimage his friend responds, “I’ll push you.” As I meditated on the reflection I remembered this was also a movie Miss Morrison had shown for Cinema for the Soul—a movie she really liked. On Monday I asked her why. It was more than just the generosity one friend showed to another that she chose this for the monthly Cinema for the Soul showing.
Miss Morrison would be the first to tell you she is not a great fan of the outdoors. So it was with delight that she found herself enjoying hiking two years when she finally agreed to join some friends. After her hiking experience her gratitude for enjoying something she didn’t previously care for came to the fore. When she saw the movie she found the love the friends had for each other inspiring as well as encouraging for tackling challenges she may face. “I’m healthy,” she said, “someone who is able to hike on my own, and to see someone push their best friend, to let his friend achieve this goal of walking the Camino, was so touching.” We don’t have to push our friend along the Camino de Santiago to show our generosity, everyday we can be generous with our time, talents, or treasures. We just need to look with caring eyes to see where our generosity is needed.
Next month Cinema for the Soul will be showing A Way to Forgiveness. Filmmaker Erin Dooley documents her pilgrimage on the Camino where she found healing and forgiveness after her divorce. Dooley will be joining us this evening for a Q&A afterwards. Please come on Thursday, 30 January, 2020 at 7pm in the Olive hall.
Our 7th grader’s essays continue to focus on our new coadjutor bishop. This week Annabella will share what she hopes Bishop Rojas' episcopacy will be like.
The Bishops
By Annabella
I didn’t really know our old bishop, but I was able to see some good things he did. He was very kind, amazing at representing God, and worked very well with younger kids. Now we are getting a new bishop. I hope I can get to know our new bishop better. I hope he will visit our class often.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
5th Grade Aide/4th Grade Religion