Parent Letter Faith Reflection
The Book of Ruth is a short story in the Old Testament that can be read in a single reading. It’s what I call a quiet, everyday story. Yes, the story opens with telling us there has been a famine that have left our main characters widowed, but as for drama and fast paced action this is missing. What we find instead is faithfulness, a fruit of the Holy Spirit that helps you to remain loyal and true even in difficult circumstances.
Faithfulness requires trust. Ruth stayed with Naomi when she went back to Bethlehem not knowing how things would work out. They both put their faith in God trusting he would guide them. Where can you trust this week?
Our 7th grader sees how Bishop Barnes has put his faith in our Lord, trusting that he is serving where God needs him to serve.
Opinion Paragraph About Bishop Barnes
By Jose
Bishop Gerald Barnes grew up and went to public school in Los Angeles. He received a degree in Political Science from Cal State LA before entering into the seminary that led to his ordination. He came from a family that included seven kids.
Bishop Barnes is a person who has dedicated his life to the Church and put education high on his list of priorities. Each time he goes to speak at an event having to do with education he takes the time to talk with the group of students. He does this because in addition to wanting to know what the adults think about things, he also wants the students to share how they feel about things.
His Episcopal motto is Amar es Entregarse, “Love is the total giving of oneself.” He is a person who is practical and someone you can relate to. He also has a heart for immigrants and refugees and has lived his life in service to people within the southwestern part of the United States. He is someone who is role model to others and demonstrates true service in the name of Jesus.
Cinema for the Soul is next Thursday, 17 Oct 2019 at 7pm in the Olive Ave hall. Come watch the 2013 remake of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, a man who day dreams to take away the tedium of life only to be caught up in a real life adventure as he chases after a photo op for his job.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
5th Grade Aide/4th Grade Religion