At our opening school Mass Fr. Gino used a quote often attributed to Ben Franklin, “Tell me and I forget; Teach me and I will remember; Involve and I will learn.” As Fr. Gino was using this for his homily it got me to thinking about our new Pflaum religion series. The way this series works is very much inline with this quote Fr. Gino used. It’s designed to be much more than merely book reading. As it prepares our kids for the upcoming Gospel reading it does this with activities that shows the Gospel in real situations making it contemporary to what they will encounter today. Through these stories and activities this series weaves in the details and facts of our faith as it shows how to put it into practice in an engaging way. Hopefully with the way our students will be more involved in the daily lesson it will have the effect that Fr. Gino was talking about in his homily of learning on a deeper level and will translate into an even stronger faith.
Cinema for the Soul will be showing Little Boy on Thursday, September 26th at 7:00pm in the Olive Hall. Come watch a story of a little boy learns about the power of prayer as he waits for his father to return from World War II.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
5th Grade Aide/4th Grade Religion