Parent Letter Faith Reflection
Last week as the 7th graders, like all the classes, were very busy getting ready for our Symposium. With all that activity it seemed like a break was in order, so I chose to give them a little respite. This soothing few minutes in the Vatican Gardens was a calming and peaceful break that drew them into God. We all need these moments of calm to reorder ourselves.
When we need that time away to re-create ourselves we often go to a place we find beautiful, a place that transcends what we are doing. We look for a space that can be part of the dialogue with God that we seek, and we often turn to places such as the mountains, a beach, some quiet time in adoration, or a beautiful garden. While the Symposium is over, and you are perhaps renewed after an extra long holiday weekend, may this video provide a little break from what activity you are engage in at this moment and spend a few minutes with our Lord.
If you are not already inspired to take a quiet moment the 7th graders give us some compelling reasons to enjoy a virtual stroll through the Vatican Gardens: “God breathes the beauty of his love into all things; every leaf on every tree, every petal on every flower. And as a whole, we make up the body of Christ.”; “The beauty of the garden is like God’s love. We have to take care of it, but he’s watching it.”; “Nature is one of the most beautiful things God has given us. We, as a planet, should try our best to preserve the beautiful creation of nature.”; “The garden is a place of rest and peace that God has gifted us with. The garden is like God’s love. It is alive, peaceful, and it is sacred.”; “The gardens of the Vatican are an example of God’s making of us. We are made with beauty and care, just like the gardens.”
You will need to scroll down to May 7th to see this video - keep scrolling until you see the dome of Saint Peter’s: Vatican Gardens @Expo Vatican:
God Bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
5th Grade / Jr. High Teacher’s Aide