Parent Letter Faith Reflection
God walks into your soul with silent step. God comes to you more than you go to Him. Never will His coming be what you expect, and yet never will it disappoint. The more you respond to His gentle pressure, the greater will be your freedom. - Archbishop Fulton Sheen
We are halfway through Lent, keep going, God is greater than our struggles and will not disappoint.
Our 7th grader's essay was chosen because we honored St. Joseph last week who is known as a carpenter - in his essay Tanner talks about doing things that would make a first century carpenter proud.
Radical Community Care
by Tanner
I think we as the community should give out little packages to the homeless. These packages would be filled with clothes and food along with other things. We would hold a drive for the homeless to come and get their package and a hot meal to satisfy them. And if some aren’t able to come we would send a package with someone else to give to them. We could also give them a place to take a shower or bath.
Another thing we can do is provide homes. We could build the homeless a mini house they can stay in. The house would be fully furnished and supplied with food, clothes, and water. The mini house would also have a shower or bath depending on the house. They would also have a garden out back to grow their own food if the food we gave them goes bad.
Last week was the Solemnity of St. Joseph, a little oasis in Lent. On this day the priest wears white vestments, not purple, and we put aside fasting and penance to celebrate the amazing “Yes” Joseph gave in God’s plan of salvation. Thinking about how God moves in our lives I thought to show the 7th graders the beautiful staircase in the Chapel of Loretto in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Whether you believe Saint Joseph himself came down to build these stairs or that he interceded on behalf of the Sisters of Loretto, it still shows how miracles can come in the small things, for God’s hand guides everything. Here is what the 7th graders noticed about the stairs, miracles, and faith: “It shows how God will answer our prayers and help us with stuff.”; “God helps supports the staircase, so we must have faith in him to walk up.”; “The staircase defied the laws of physics, just like God can.”; “God is always there in everything and everyone. He is in the mysteries and miracles.”; “God brought all these things together to make beauty. Even though it may not have been [St. Joseph] it is still amazing that it happened.”
God Bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
5th Grade / Jr. High Teacher’s Aide