Many things we do we need to have something before we can begin. We may need a college degree, training, clearance to work children, or licensing. For some things we may need to be a citizen, or above a certain age. With Jesus none of these things matter. We don’t need to wait until we are done with our education or have finished a workshop. We don’t need to be licensed, or any certain age. Jesus calls us as we are, where we are. All we need is a heart that says, “Yes.” Lent can help us to focus on that “Yes,” making it stronger, more grateful, or more alive.
Depending on where Lent finds you our 7th grader has you covered with a range of ideas from something fairly easy to a complete career change. What ever God is calling you to do this Lent, are you ready to respond?
Radical Community Care
by Anthony M.
Radical Community Care, what is that? Well, radical means extreme, and community care means caring for the community. So, we now have caring for the community in an extreme way. So how can I do that? Everybody can do it—we can buy towels or shampoo for nursing homes.
I know one way we can all help out with radical community care, we can all help by helping more with big problems. If we have enough money we can buy a washer or a computer for nursing homes so that they have new things. If you want to go really extreme you can start your own nursing home and take care of people for a living.
Lent in 3 Minutes is a video that, as you’d expect, gives a run through Lent in 3 minutes. Before showing it to the 7th graders I asked them what they find most challenging about Lent and/or what they look forward to during Lent. Not surprising, the sacrificial side was the most cited challenge: “The biggest challenge in Lent is to give up something that I love. What I am giving up for Lent is candy. What I look forward to in Lent is that we are celebrating God and think of what he did for us.”; “My biggest challenge in Lent is to give up something. What I look forward to doing in Lent is to do good things for people and the world.”; “Having to give up something that I love and I look forward to spending more time with my family.”; “The biggest challenge for me in Lent will be to try to barely sin. I will also be reading more Scripture and looking forward to the Sacrament of Reconciliation.”; “My biggest challenge in Lent is giving up stuff and praying. One thing I look forward to are the Stations of the Cross and Easter.”
Busted Halo’s Lent in 3 Minutes
God Bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
5th Grade / Jr. High Teacher’s Aide