When I Googled images of World Youth Day last month one picture stood out from the rest—it was of the outdoor confessionals. Painted in the colors of the Panama flag, they were a stunning reminder that we worship a merciful and loving God. This, in turn, reminded me of a film made in 2014 dedicated to the Year of Mercy. The Confession, is a South Korean short film about a priest who hears something disturbing during confession and how he eventually responds with mercy. Last week afforded an opportunity to show it to 5th and 6th grade, as well as 7th. Take a moment this week and prayerfully reflect on what we ask in the Our Father that has to do with mercy. Our 7th Grader picks up on this in her essay when she says, “We must do as Jesus would do.”
Radical Community Care
by Alex M.
We must all do acts of radical community care. It helps us grow closer with God and others. Sometimes, it is better to help other people than to do things for yourself. God calls us to show service in our community. One thing you can do is organize and lead a food drive. You can do this to serve the people who need food the most. Another act of radical community care is volunteering at a hospital or school. You could assist nurses and doctors with helping patients, or you could give a hand to teachers and tutor children. By doing this, you are helping the community in two important ways, health and education.
These examples of radical community care are larger and more extreme ways to help others. Although there are many ways to do this, these are just some ways we can help our community. I believe that we all must participate and get involved. We must do as Jesus would do. We are to put God first, then others, and finally us. This is what radical community care is all about.
For their faith reflection after the video 7th grade was asked to focus in particular on how we ask God to forgive us our sins as we forgive others in the Our Father: “The line in the Our Father shows how even if someone sins against us, we must forgive them for what they did.”; “Even though it’s not right to lie you could make someone finally feel released from a sin. The priest forgave the man who killed his father.”; “God wants us to forgive others just like he forgives us, no matter how hard it is.”; “Confession is very important. It’s getting rid of the bad within you.”; “I learned that God is great. I also learned that we need to be respectful.”; and a 6th grader wrote, “I was thinking about all the wrongs I did and how thankful I am about how generous and wonderful God’s mercy and love is.”
Link for image of WYD confessionals: https://www.ozy.com/opinion/look-closer-an-art-exhibit-a-central-american-cemetery-or-something-else/92242
Link for The Confession short film in Korean with English subtitles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dz4GIecaA-o
God Bless,
Mrs. Anne Alhadef
Campus Minister
5th Grade / Jr. High Teacher’s Aide