Advent is a time of preparation - a time to prepare for Jesus to come into our lives. Sometimes, though, he comes into our lives more as an interruption, not always welcomed, as I spoke about a couple weeks back. Jesus's interruption's, however, don't always have to be something we initially want to avoid. Case in point; last week towards the end of class Mr. Turner played the song he and our School of Rock band made, and I happened to be in the room at the time. It stopped me in my tracks. As I heard the lyrics and melody I put aside what I was doing and gave it my full attention. The song, "At Your Dawn (Joseph's Journey)," is a beautiful telling of the Christmas story through Saint Joseph's eyes. The Lord was interrupting into my life as the lines "all the hopes I had...made by my hands, are through...I will trade for a you." The last half of this year have been very challenging for me and thinking about how Joseph remade his plans in light of the angel's message, I too, want to trade for a future made by the Lord who has humbled himself to come and dwell among us. (The song Mr. Turner and the School of Rock made is not yet ready to be released, but Mr. Turner did say he hopes to play it occasionally at our school Masses in the meantime.) The bvt-School of Rock song was a beautiful way to prepare for Christmas.
The 7th grade essay was an easy pick as it has a Christmas theme woven through as she talks about not liking it when people don't have a bed to call their own or know where they will sleep. She can empathize because she knows this is what the Holy Family faced also. Our essayist also notes that when Jesus came to earth he taught us how to be better so that through radical community care it's possible that fewer people will need to wonder where they will sleep each night.
Radical Community Care
by Stefania
I think that I could help homeless people by talking to them, saying that they may want to go to church, and giving them food, shelter,and clothing because Jesus said to help those who need help. Some people care about the homeless because they are persons who need help. If I could go to shelters I would take food for the homeless - that's my way I could help the poor. I love helping the poor because that's what Jesus did when he came to earth and taught us about the things we need. For homeless kids I would like to teach them how to read and not to do bad things because doing bad things is not good. I will say to my community to help the homeless by making soup and giving it to them and praying for them.
Other ways to help homeless people is by finding jobs for them. This is why they don't leave the freeway, and that is so sad. I don't like it when people don't have a bed or don't know where they will sleep. If people realized they have the power to change the world it would be amazing because all the poor people need help and this is where it comes from. God made us to help each other. We can change the community by being a good person to one and other, even to the whole world.
For many years, as I come in from morning carline to put my sign down, I'm walking up stream, so to speak, of the class as they head out to car line. As I swim in the opposite direction to my desk I'll say "salmon, salmon" as I go past the kids. This made me think Advent would be a good time to watch a video on salmon struggling up stream so this is what 7th watched for their faith reflection time last week. The video ties in nicely with Advent, as you see from their thoughts: "The fish going up the stream reminds me of how I try to keep going through every struggle and stress. It reminds me of success and trying to succeed in life. It also makes me think of Advent and how I am excited for Jesus' birth.'; "I see faith in this video because the salmon are going up-stream which is hard. Advent and Lent are hard for us."; "In Advent it is a struggle to realize that it's all about Christ and preparation. The salmon also struggle going up stream."; The salmons are like us because they are pushing forward through the water just like we are struggling through and pushing through sins."; "It's how you have to wait for Christmas. Sometimes it's very hard to wait for Christmas just how it's hard for them to go up stream."; "The fish video tied into Advent because figuratively speaking Christmas is the destination and Advent is going up-stream."
Merry Christmas
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister