Last week, after our school Mass, the 2nd graders gave each class a large prayer card for our classrooms. It was a prayer of St. Teresa of Avila reminding us that "Christ has no body now on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ's compassion is to look out to the world. Yours are the feet with which Christ is to go about doing good. Yours are the hands with which Christ is to bless all people now." This is the reason we are focusing on radical community care this year. Christ uses us now to do his work. If we don't provide the radical care our world needs, these needs will not be met. Sometimes we need a little inspiration or to be reminded of what we can do for others. The 7th grade essays cover both angles.
Though I'm our parish's Social Concerns Committee, when Mrs. Noble offered me one of the St. Teresa prayer cards, I accepted. I have it at home and when I get too focused on all the things I need to take care of as I continue to settle into my new home, it reminds me to think of others and help as I can. Many of the weekly activities, or special events, the Social Committee is engaged in, can usually use with more volunteers. Please keep an eye on the parish bulletin for these events and activities and help as you can, putting into action the prayer of St. Teresa.
I chose our 7th grader's essay this week because October 4th is the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi. Radical community care was something St. Francis was passionate about, and it included animals. Katie came up with a radical, fun, and healthy way to help care for the animals in our community - it would be neat to see her be able to put this idea into action.
Radical Community Care
Take a hike with your dog. Where and why, you may ask? Hike-a-Dog is where you hike with your dog, or with a dog from an animal shelter. Hike-a-Dog would help animal shelters raise money to feed and take care of the animals in the animal shelter. All you would have to do is hike with a dog to help fund-raise for this worthwhile event.
To participate in Hike-a-Dog you would need to get sponsors to pledge. Any amount is ok, even if it is only $1.00. Hike-a-Dog is a fundraiser idea that could help animals in shelters. The money we could raise would help animal centers feed animals, give animals homes, and even pay for all the animal's shots. Hike-a-Dog would allow people to hike with a dog up to the San Bernardino Mountain trails. If you don't have your own dog, then you could hike with a dog from a variety of dogs from the animal shelter. Hike-a-Dog's goal is to raise $2,000.00. Let's take a hike, Hike-a-Dog.
Video Reflection: The 7th graders and I were impressed by the design of Castel del Monte, a 13th century castle built by Frederick II in Southern Italy. What caught our attention first was it seemed so modern, while at the same time fitting in with the older buildings. Many of the 7th grade faith reflections praised God for giving us the talent to create such lovely buildings, and how we are able to see the beauty of God in this impressive castle. It helped them to believe that they, too, could do "fascinating things." Since this castle has been around for many centuries they reflected on the timelessness of God and that he will protect us and "God will stand strong forever." Lastly, the details of this large castle made them see how "God makes each person in detail and with care." We also enjoyed the Tarantella music in this video. Tarantella is southern Italian folk music. Click on the link to see this beautiful castle for yourself.
Thank you. Mrs. Alhadef