Faith Reflection: Mercy—The Beauty of Our Young
This week more than 300 young adults from around the world are meeting with Pope Francis in preparation for the Synod on Youth this October. Pope Francis told those gathered that we need to regain our enthusiasm of faith and our taste for discovery. Even though there will be risks we must not let this stop us because “an institution that makes choices so as not to change remains a child, it does not grow,” he said.
However much the Pope is turning to our youth and young adults to licit their input and learn their concerns and needs firsthand, he does not leave tradition or us older folks in the dust. In a homily last month Pope Francis said, “If the young are called to open new doors, the elderly have the keys.” Pope Francis is reconnecting all of us, young and old, to the energy that Vatican II brought forward and the call we all have to be missionary disciples. May this Lenten time continue to help you to renew this energy Pope Francis is engaging us in, and if not already unleashed, will be ready to go forth with renewed vigor during the Easter season.
Our 7th grader today shows how to reach out to both young and old. I like how her approach is tailored to each group. For us adults, do take her advice and Google some social media sites to receive a daily dose of faith. Word On Fire, Franciscan Media, Saint of the Day are a couple that come to mind to get you started, but they are many, many more that you will find helpful.
Religion Essay
by Christina
One of the most effective ways to announce the Good News to the youth is to show it in a youth movie or a youth TV show. Some youth love movies and TV shows and that is an easy way to show it. Another effective way to announce the Good News to the youth is to make a youth magazine talking about it and teaching the youth about the Good News and ways they can spread it.
One of the most effective ways to announce the Good News to the old is by subscribing to an email account. Everyday you would get an email teaching the Good News to you. It would be easy and simple if you are busy. Another effective way to announce the Good News to the old is having classes for working parents in a different location each day and at a time when they aren’t busy. One of my last effective ways to announce the Good news to the old is by making videos. Each day you would get an email with a video clip in it. You would then watch the video, teaching you about the Good News.
The Holy Week and Easter Triduum schedule is in this week’s parish bulletin. The Sacred Paschal Triduum is one continuous Liturgy that begins with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper Thursday evening and concludes Easter Sunday morning. Please note that to preserve the continuity of these three days there is no confession or daily Mass during the Triduum.
Thank you. Mrs. Alhadef