Faith Reflection: Mercy—The Beauty of Our Young
In his homily on Sunday Fr. Erik talked about how we can use the Sunday readings during Lent to help us reflect and take stock of how our Lent is progressing. It is never too late, he said, to begin if you haven’t yet focused on what this season has to offer, to make changes, or get back on course if we have faltered. On the Second Sunday of Lent the Gospel reading is the Transfiguration. After listening what Fr. Erik said I reread the passage after Mass. The opening line said, “Jesus took Peter, James, and John and led them up a high mountain apart by themselves.” Being apart by ourselves with Jesus, as the three Apostles were, we can talk and listen to our Lord. Stepping away from the activity in our lives, alone with God, engaged in a conversation with our Lord by ourselves, we can truly gauge how we are progressing.
Our 7th grader does a good job of gauging how our faith can become stronger, especially through the Sacraments. The Sacraments are efficacious because Jesus is at work in them. Receiving Jesus in the Eucharist is the most nourishing food to take on the journey into the desert.
Religion Essay
by Adam
What do I do to keep my faith living and active? What would help me make my faith stronger?
I can keep my faith living and active in many ways: Through the Church, through my actions, and through prayer. I can make my faith stronger by altar serving, receiving Sacraments, and helping others. In these ways I can be a better Catholic Christian.
First, I can keep my faith active and living through the Church. I can go and participate and worship in Mass. Second, I can live my faith through my actions. I can be kind and helpful to others and keep a good attitude. Third, I can pray; I will pray to God every day at meals and at night. I can also pray the Rosary and read the Bible.
Second, I can make my faith stronger by altar serving—altar serving is another way I can serve God at Mass. Altar serving makes me reverent and respectful of God and the Church. I can also receive the Sacraments. To me the Sacraments remind me of my relationship and bond with God. The Sacraments remind me of Jesus’ life and death and how He did this for us.
Third, I can help others. One example of helping others is the food collection we have during school Mass. Another way to help others is to comfort others when they are hurt. One last example is to help people with homework or duties.
In all of these ways I spread the good news of God. These things make me a better Catholic Christian. I do this to make my faith living and active, but also to make it even stronger.
The Knights of Columbus fish fry resumes this week after the Stations of the Cross. The Stations begin at 5:30p in the Olive church with the fish fry following immediately after at 6:00p.
Curious as to what the Catholic Aesthetic is? I hope to seem some familiar faces Wednesday night, February 28 as we all find out what this is. Join us at 7:00p in the Olive hall.
The Italian Catholic Federation will have their St. Joseph’s Day Gala on Thursday, March 22 from 5:00-8:00p in the Olive Hall. This year Fr. Gregory Boyle, S.J., founder of Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles, will be the guest speaker. Tickets are $25.00 before March 18th, and $30.00 thereafter. You can get tickets from myself or Mrs. Thompson (mom of Emily in 5th grade) as well as online at
Thank you. Mrs. Alhadef