Faith Reflection: Mercy—The Beauty of Our Young
Ashes were crossed on our foreheads this week to begin an inward conversion. How will we encounter Jesus this Lent? We don’t know, but perhaps what we have chosen to give up, or to focus on, during Lent will help bring about that encounter. With attentiveness, we will know when this has happened and we will desire to know more of what this encounter is and where it will lead.
An encounter with Jesus is a call to conversion and repentance and so my simple prayer this Lent is just two lines from a prayer I shared earlier this month: Lord, look upon me with eyes of mercy. Since you created me from nothing, you can certainly recreate me.
During Lent many look for ways to deepen their faith and prayer life. Our 7th grader’s essay helps in this regard. I especially liked it because the beauty of its simplicity belies its difficulties. Lent, however, it just the time go deeper in the struggle with what we find difficult.
Religion Essay
by Jaclyn
These are the ways I can keep my faith living and active. 1: I can attend Church weekly. 2: I can pray by myself or I can pray with my family everyday. 3: I can listen to the words of God. 4: I can live Gospel values everyday.
There are several ways I can make my faith stronger. 1: I can continue to learn about God. 2: I can pass along the words of God. 3: I can help others understand God’s teachings. 4: I can continue to attend Church weekly.
By following these ways I can keep my faith living and active.
If you haven’t had a chance yet to look at the lantern that is in our church in front of the ambo consider taking a few moments this Sunday to look at it. All the parishes in our diocese have an identical lantern marking the 40th anniversary of our Diocese of San Bernardino. As we begin Lent it’s a fitting symbol of how we journey together, renewing hope in our lives as we bring hope to others.
Thank you. Mrs. Alhadef