Parent Letter Faith Reflection

Faith Reflection:  Mercy—The Beauty of Our Young

    In his homily for the Presentation of the Lord last week, Pope Francis contrasted the older Anna and Simeon with the younger Mary and Joseph saying, “The old receive from the young, while the young draw upon the old.” Those words are so fitting to these essays from our 7th graders. It’s a delight to receive their insights each week, but this wouldn’t be so if they hadn’t previously drawn upon the faith and knowledge you have imparted to them first. When we are around our young daily it may not always be easy to see how they are growing inside, but they indeed are. These essays are one way of seeing that interior growth. This week Bella, our 7th grader, gives us insights as she encourages us to pray, even when we feel uncomfortable.

How are we able to live and love our faith and show it to others?

 by Bella

Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath - Psalm 116:2

   Praying:  Praying is a very powerful thing. It can save people, it can support people, and it can surprise people. But some people are scared to pray in public. They feel like people will judge them. If you see someone struggling with this, you should try to encourage them to pray. Who cares that others might judge you? If someone is judging you they are basically judging you for loving the Lord.

   We can pray for those in need and show others that is what Jesus wants. We can be a role model to those who are lost. We can show them the right path by just praying in public or even praying with them. Sometimes just bringing up the topic about the Lord can spark an entire conversation.

   When we show kids how to pray one of the main things we want to say to them is to pray for others. We should always try to put the needs of others ahead of our own. Putting others ahead of ourselves is what Jesus preached the most about. This makes the Lord happy.

   The Lord is so very special and he wants us to spread his word. So we should, and we can, by just saying, “I will pray for you,” the next time you see someone dealing with something tough. You always need to show people the way of the Lord. It can truly change the world.



        In you



For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them - Matthew 18:20

    Our past doesn’t have to be our future. Come watch Cinema for the Soul and see how the power of friendship changes three lives, one of whom has a dark past. Same Kind of Difference As Me will be on Thursday, 22 February at 7:00p in the youth room of the Olive parish hall.

  Thank you. Mrs. Alhadef
