As we celebrate Catholic Schools Week, and appreciate the gift of faith our kids receive along with strong academics, I’m gong to go back to something that happened last Thursday even though I have already posted about this our school’s Instagram page. Just before lunch time I got a call from my mum telling me she had fallen and was being taken to the hospital. As I was heading to the classroom phone to call the office to see if Mrs. Downey could cover the classroom I heard Emma H. in the background say, “Let’s pray for Mrs. Alhadef’s mom,” and began to lead the class in the Our Father, Hail Mary, etc. This is what we are about, living our Catholic faith daily, and being here at a Catholic school strengthens this. I’m convinced being here at SHA is part of why our kids so easily and naturally put their faith into action as Emma and the entire 4th grade did last Thursday. Our strong academics are one reason you send your kids here. Faith is the other—and this was a touching example of how they are also strong in their faith and love for God. This indeed is something to celebrate. My mum, by the way, is doing well.
Our 7th grader this weeks also talks about being at a Catholic school and how we can continue to live our faith throughout our lives
What Do You Do to Keep Your Faith Living and Active?
What Would Help Make Your Faith Even Stronger?
by Amélie
If I want to keep my faith living and active I will continue to go to church. There are many ways I can keep my faith living. Since I am at a Catholic school, every Wednesday we go to Mass. We also have a religion class every day so we can learn about God even more. Before every meal I say a prayer of thanksgiving because I am very thankful for the food on my plate.
If I want to make my faith even stronger I can read the Bible. To make my faith stronger I can go to church and participate in the masses every Wednesday and Sunday. If I have free time during religion class or after school I will read the Bible. Since there are many people in the world that need help, I can donate money or clothes to charities. These are ways I can keep my faith living and make my faith even stronger. With the help of God, I will continue living my faith throughout my life.
Thank you. Mrs. Alhadef