Faith Reflection: Mercy—The Beauty of Our Young
Again this week, as I write this, we have an incredibly crazy ball game going on. Yes, of course, I want my team to win, but what has been the best part for me of both the Championship Games and the World Series has been in what our 7th grader calls “the little details.” In the end, win or lose, it’s those little gifts, details, the Lord has given me over the last month that have been the most precious—from the unexpected phone call from a dear friend, to giving a thumbs up to the folks at the dry cleaners as I walk past them in the morning on my way to school when we have won the night before, to stories shared as to why someone is a fan of the team they have chosen. In all things, including sports, that opens us up to the other, truly in this Jesus is always present and can become a well spring that good comes from. That is a treasure greater than any win (though, yes, I would like my team to win).
And for those two or three folks who might not yet have seen me in my team shirt or hair bow over the past two months and not know which team I have always been and always will be a fan of, win or lose, to them I say—Go Dodgers!
Youth Essay
by Alden Wiefels
What do you do to keep your faith living and active? What would help you make your faith even stronger?
I keep my faith strong by praying to God and asking him for help and care. I also go to church to get closer to God and to learn more about him. I also like to read the Bible to learn more about the message of the Lord. I can also spread the good news about God.
I think to make my faith strong is to notice all the little details God gives me. I also can pray as much as I can to get a stronger relationship with God. I can pray to more Saints and ask them for their help, care, and love.
Both this week’s parish bulletin, and the announcements at all the Masses Saturday/Sunday, drew attention to some of the outreach ministries we have at Holy Name. Not only is there a variety of ways to be of service to our parish and the broader community, they all can be done to the degree you able to offer. Want to help someone become an American citizen but can’t commit to doing a weekly class? Rogelio Garcia also needs folks who can cover a citizenship class for a night when the regular instructor is not available. Want to help feed the hungry but can’t help each week? S.H.A.R.E.-Feed the Hungry is only responsible one Saturday a month to provide the meal at First Methodist Church. Even one hour setting up, serving, or cleaning up afterwards is a big help. For whatever ministry you have an interest in your availability or schedule can quite likely be accommodated. Please check page 3 of the parish bulletin to see what some of these ministries do and who to contact for more information. Being a part of a few of these ministries myself I can also add you will meet some wonderful folks along the way also and be filled with joy.
Thank you. Mrs. Alhadef