Parent Letter - Faith Reflection

Faith Reflection:  Mercy—The Beauty of Our Young

    “Art is an open door to the infinite which opens the eyes of the mind and the heart,” said Pope Benedict. A new school year has that same infiniteness of opening the minds and hearts of our students. The blank canvas of a new school year is in front of them to be colored in so many wonderful ways as the school year progresses. I pray that all our students have a most awesome ‘canvas’ at the end of the year.

  This past Spring dioceses across the country, including ours, had an on-line questionnaire for young people as the bishops prepare for the Ordinary Synod on Youth coming up next year. Excited by this focus on youth that Pope Francis has engaged and challenged the Church with this year the 7th graders will be writing essays inspired by some of the questions presented in the questionnaire. I hope to be able to start including their essays beginning next week.

  Over the summer, in between keeping up with Dodgers games on Twitter, I came across a site called The Pope Video. Keeping with the art theme I opened with here, these short videos are an artistic way to pray the Pope’s monthly intentions. The videos show how we can see the grandeur of God through the arts and be drawn closer to our Lord. You also may find them an inspiring way to pray and I encourage you to check them out when you have a chance.

  El Carmelo has discontinued their regular Monday night adoration and Rosary.  They will occasionally offer a night of prayer and adoration and I will pass that along when I learn of those nights. They thank all of you who joined them during the Year of Faith and appreciated your presence.

  The next Cinema for the Soul will be Thursday, September 21st at 7:00pm in the youth room of the parish hall. The movie "The Adjustment Bureau" starring Matt Damon and Emily Blunt will help you appreciate our gift of free will. Damon's character comes to realize he's not as in charge of his life as he thought. Find out if he simply accepts this or if he tries to defy those who want to control his every move.

  The Family Bible Study is Friday, September 15 at 6:15pm in the Olive Hall. Be inspired with ideas on how to pray Scripture as a family. There is no charge and only one session, so please don't miss out.

  Thank you.  Mrs. Alhadef
