Faith Reflection: Mercy—Love in action
The 4th Sunday of Lent is also known as Laetare Sunday—Rejoice Sunday. We rejoice at this point in Lent because we are nearing the end of our desert fasting. As we come even nearer to Easter I’m reminded of what Pope Francis said at the beginning of Lent. In his homily on Ash Wednesday he said Lent was “a time to start breathing again,” to think of the Creator who breathed his spirit of life into dust that became humanity, became you and I. With that breathe of life in us we are not choked by the asphyxia our selfishness, indifference or petty ambitions can cause. For this reason Laetare Sunday is a time to rejoice, a time to be reminded that the season of Lent is a time to breathe in the breath of life that brings our salvation, and ready our hearts for Easter joy.
Mercy is that breath of life that can counter the asphyxia of resentment or holding a grudge. Listen to our 7th grader today who talks about showing mercy even in a challenging situation.
Mercy Essay
by Gabi C.
A way I can be merciful is forgiveness. Forgiveness is a way of being kind to people when they have hurt you. Instead of telling on people I just forgive them. I think it is just better to have mercy on people.
Personally, when I forgive I don’t even think of being merciful. I just feel like I am doing something nice for someone. In all I think it is better to always be merciful, even in those times when you do need to tell on someone.
Our parish will begin a new program this month called Catholics Returning Home for those who were baptized Catholic but have stopped practicing their faith. It’s an invitation for non-practicing Catholics to take a look at the faith they have left, learn more about it, and look at with new eyes. If you know someone who no longer practices their faith, please consider inviting them to attend these sessions that begin Wednesday, April 19th at the Olive location. It’s not always easy extending an invitation, especially if you have concerns your invitation will be met with a negative response. The parish has taken that into consideration and in the back of the church you will find colored invitations listing all the details. Handing a flyer to a family member or friend, or putting it in a place it may be seen might be a more peaceful option. You would be surprised how many times someone was just waiting to be asked to come back to church. Classes are also available at Saint Kateri Tekawitha in Beaumont. Contact information for that parish is on the same flyer.
Thank you. Mrs. Alhadef