“Blessed are those who pray and work for full communion between Christians,” is the last of the modern beatitudes given by Pope Francis. All those who live out these modern beatitudes are “messengers of God’s mercy and tenderness,” the Pope concluded. Bishop Barnes reiterated these very ideas earlier this week when he said mercy is "still very much needed in our world." As a caring Catholic community, here at our school, we understand the truth of the Pope and Bishop's call for us to be filled with mercy and tenderness to all. As a part of our SLEs it’s an attitude we work to instill in all our students. Our 7th grader today will show you how simple it can be to live this last beatitude. She also reminds us that we are all called to be missionaries in some way.
Mercy Essay
by Mariana
How can I evangelize or show mercy? When you evangelize it means to convert someone to Christianity. However, there is another definition which is to preach the Christian gospel. There are easier ways than going door to door asking people about faith. For example, if someone asks you a question about your religion answer it, and include some other things about Christianity as well. Another thing you can do is if you know someone who has never heard of Christianity help them understand, and then maybe they will convert.
Anyone can evangelize, you don’t have to be a priest or a nun. I hope that after reading this you go out and evangelize too.
Come join us at El Carmelo on Monday nights from 7-8p for Adoration and the Rosary. Confession is also available during this time.
Our canned food collected at Mass during January was a total of 9 bins. Thank you for helping Family Service keep their shelves full for those who need food for their families.
Thank you. Mrs. Alhadef
Did You Know?: For us Americans (and Canadians) Thursday, February 2nd is Groundhog Day. It is fun to check on the ground hog in Pennsylvania to see if spring will be early or later this year. More importantly February 2nd is The Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, or Candlemas. This is a beautiful tri-fold event that also celebrates not only the Presentation of Jesus, but also his first entry into the Temple as well as the Purification of Mary.