While we wait for the 7th grader's essays on putting love into action, I will turn this week to Carrell Jamilano, our parish’s Director of Youth Ministry. Though I’ve been receiving the Young Adults events email from her for a while now, it was only last week that I read her faith blog at the end of the monthly newsletter. I was favorably impressed with what I read and saw it as one of those God moments where our Lord brings things to us when the time is right; I was looking to highlight someone who was putting love into action while our 7th graders are gone and here was something quite fitting, waiting patiently in my inbox, that I finally took note of. The blog posting itself that Carrell attached last month titled “Where is God?” indirectly showed how we can put love into action. However, creating her blog and becoming a Spiritual Director are just two of the ways in recent years that she has directly put love into action (you can read more about that at her blog spot). In talking about where God is in this particular posting she reminds us that He is in us. Every time we choose to be kind to someone, stand up for someone being picked on or discriminated against, forgive the seemingly unforgivable, we are putting God’s love into action. To check out Carrell’s blog on a wide variety of topics, as well as how to contact her about spiritual direction, click this link: http://www.catholicspiritualdirector.com/blog/tag/San-Bernardino-Shootings
Please remember to light your blessed Peace candle and join us for Adoration and Confession this Friday, 9 September 2016 at our Columbia site. This National Day of Prayer is something that is taking place all across our Diocese as well as across the country; if you will be out of the area you can always check out the local Catholic church wherever you might be. Adoration at our Columbia site is from 8:00a to 7:00p on Friday with Benediction at 7:00p. Confessions are from 5:00-7:00p.
This is the peace prayer that will be offered that evening together in community across the country: Loving God of peace and justice, help us be a peace. Peace and love are always alive in us, but we are not always alive to peace and love. May Christ’s peace dwell within our hearts, in the words we speak, and in the actions we take./ We desire to be a peaceful people. Strengthen our efforts to live in harmony, loving one another in peace as we work for justice in our world. We ask this through Christ our Lord, our loving Saviour and the Prince of Peace. Amen.
Thank you. Mrs. Alhadef