Ash Wednesday is tomorrow and so begins the Lenten season. Back in January I had posted about the 9 Days for Life the bishops were doing for promoting life. I really liked the suggested Acts of Reparation they listed for each day and I'd like to represent them again, with a little tweaking. The doing penance and small things with great love ideas fit perfectly for Lent and I found so many of the suggestions to be very kid friendly and doable. May you have a blessed, joyful and prayerful Lent.
Lenten sacrifices:
- Take time to write a handwritten note to someone who is lonely or needing encouragement. If you don't have a person in mind to bring them to, you can possibly bring them to the parish office for the Eucharistic Ministers to the Hospital and Homebound to take with them.
- Pray for deceased relatives and those in those who have no one to pray for them.
- Spiritually adopt a baby who is in danger of being aborted. Pray for the mom and dad also.
- If someone is speaking uncharitably about someone, offer a kind thought about them or leave the conversation.
- Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for those who sick, lonely or suffering, and those who have died. Go online to download the Chaplet.
- Read about the life of a saint, especially a modern saint, and see how much you have in common with them.
- Talk with you kids/parents next time you are in the car instead of listening to your iPod, or watching a DVD.
- Thank God for the many comforts you have - running water, electricity, a refrigerator, a pillow and blankets. Try doing without some comfort for one day or night.
- Pray the Rosary for someone you don't know. Pick someone who you see in your travels during the day.
- Donate old clothing, but also buy a new item to bring someone in need.
- Try not to complain today or be negative. Look for the good in a tough situation.
- Get up right away without hitting the snooze button and offer those extra minutes in pray to God. If feeling particularly adventurous get up 15 minutes earlier and offer the time in prayer. Download the prayers for the Liturgy of the Hours for that day and pray Morning Prayer. Or go to El Carmelo (on Highland Ave in Redlands between Redlands Blvd and Ford St.) and join the friars: Mondays at 7:30a, Tues-Fri at 6:30 (unless otherwise posted). Mass is 15 minutes after Morning Prayer.
- Learn the pray the Angelus. It's a tradition to pray it at noontime, but it is also said at before beginning Morning prayer such as they do at El Carmelo.
- No dessert today, more fruit and veggies instead.
- Fast from snacking.
- Go to Adoration and visit with Jesus for an hour. At Holy Name of Jesus Adoration is on Fridays at Columbia after the daily Mass until the evening. Check the schedule as Stations of the Cross may affect when Adoration ends. Many other parishes in the area offer Adoration at least weekly - usually Friday - a few like St. Frances de Sales in Riverside have a perpetual Adoration chapel.
- Join the Stations of the Cross (Knights of Columbus also have a fish fry before - check bulletin for times). Many other parishes in the area offer Stations of the Cross and/or a simple supper.
- Read about a Church teaching you don't understand. Or read one of the pope's recent papers - see other entries under Keeping Up With Your Faith for links to those documents.
- Make a resolution to increase you weekly parish contribution. Start making a contribution to your parish if you don't already.
- Make a pledge to our building fund here at Holy Name of Jesus. It can be a one time pledge, and you can specify the money to go to a certain part of the capital campaign, such as for the new school.
- Go to confession. Rejoice in God's abundant mercy.
- Go without your morning cup of coffee or tea.
- Say three Hail Marys for our parish priests (don't forget Fr. Manny who helps many Sundays), deacons and seminarian.
- Have a quiet hour at home where you turn off all electronic devices. Read or spend time in prayer.
- Do the same as above, but spend the time with family friends doing a fun activity at home.
- And lastly, just smile. So often the simplest things are the most endearing and enduring and they have a greater impact than we often realize.
Lenten sacrifices:
- Take time to write a handwritten note to someone who is lonely or needing encouragement. If you don't have a person in mind to bring them to, you can possibly bring them to the parish office for the Eucharistic Ministers to the Hospital and Homebound to take with them.
- Pray for deceased relatives and those in those who have no one to pray for them.
- Spiritually adopt a baby who is in danger of being aborted. Pray for the mom and dad also.
- If someone is speaking uncharitably about someone, offer a kind thought about them or leave the conversation.
- Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for those who sick, lonely or suffering, and those who have died. Go online to download the Chaplet.
- Read about the life of a saint, especially a modern saint, and see how much you have in common with them.
- Talk with you kids/parents next time you are in the car instead of listening to your iPod, or watching a DVD.
- Thank God for the many comforts you have - running water, electricity, a refrigerator, a pillow and blankets. Try doing without some comfort for one day or night.
- Pray the Rosary for someone you don't know. Pick someone who you see in your travels during the day.
- Donate old clothing, but also buy a new item to bring someone in need.
- Try not to complain today or be negative. Look for the good in a tough situation.
- Get up right away without hitting the snooze button and offer those extra minutes in pray to God. If feeling particularly adventurous get up 15 minutes earlier and offer the time in prayer. Download the prayers for the Liturgy of the Hours for that day and pray Morning Prayer. Or go to El Carmelo (on Highland Ave in Redlands between Redlands Blvd and Ford St.) and join the friars: Mondays at 7:30a, Tues-Fri at 6:30 (unless otherwise posted). Mass is 15 minutes after Morning Prayer.
- Learn the pray the Angelus. It's a tradition to pray it at noontime, but it is also said at before beginning Morning prayer such as they do at El Carmelo.
- No dessert today, more fruit and veggies instead.
- Fast from snacking.
- Go to Adoration and visit with Jesus for an hour. At Holy Name of Jesus Adoration is on Fridays at Columbia after the daily Mass until the evening. Check the schedule as Stations of the Cross may affect when Adoration ends. Many other parishes in the area offer Adoration at least weekly - usually Friday - a few like St. Frances de Sales in Riverside have a perpetual Adoration chapel.
- Join the Stations of the Cross (Knights of Columbus also have a fish fry before - check bulletin for times). Many other parishes in the area offer Stations of the Cross and/or a simple supper.
- Read about a Church teaching you don't understand. Or read one of the pope's recent papers - see other entries under Keeping Up With Your Faith for links to those documents.
- Make a resolution to increase you weekly parish contribution. Start making a contribution to your parish if you don't already.
- Make a pledge to our building fund here at Holy Name of Jesus. It can be a one time pledge, and you can specify the money to go to a certain part of the capital campaign, such as for the new school.
- Go to confession. Rejoice in God's abundant mercy.
- Go without your morning cup of coffee or tea.
- Say three Hail Marys for our parish priests (don't forget Fr. Manny who helps many Sundays), deacons and seminarian.
- Have a quiet hour at home where you turn off all electronic devices. Read or spend time in prayer.
- Do the same as above, but spend the time with family friends doing a fun activity at home.
- And lastly, just smile. So often the simplest things are the most endearing and enduring and they have a greater impact than we often realize.