Citing St. Joseph's important role as guardian of the Holy Family, his humility and the continuous devotion the faithful have shown to him, and after "mature consideration having been given to all the matters mentioned here above," Pope Francis issued a decree adding Joseph's name to Eucharistic Prayers II, III, and IV. It took effect immediately on 1 May 2013, the Feast Day of Saint Joseph the Worker.
The inclusion of St. Joseph's name in the Eucharistic prayers is relatively new. Pope John XXIII* issued the decree in November, 1962 adding this blessed Saint's name to the canon for the first time during the opening weeks of the Second Vatican Council. At this time there was only Eucharistic Prayer I. Eucharistic Prayers II,III, IV came into use on 23 May 1968 as part of the many liturgical reforms that came about after the Council.
An interesting side note to St. Joseph's insertion into the canon in 1962 is that it was met with objections from the Orthodox and Protestant representatives present at the Council who felt enough honor had already been accorded Joseph. Still many others felt very strongly about Joseph. Bishop Peter Cule of (then) Yugoslavia gave an impassioned plea to have Joseph's name included in the list of Saints. Though impatiently interrupted by Cardinal Ernesto Ruffini, who felt there were more pressing matters to be dealt with at the Council. Shortly afterwards, though, Pope John XXIII announced the inclusion of St. Joseph's name into the canon, giving poetic credence to Cule's heartfelt, "eloquent speech" about the merits of St. Joseph.
Joseph has much to teach us today. His immediate and freely given yes to God's plan shows us how to respond to God's call in our lives. St. Joseph's inclusion in all the Eucharistic Prayers continues to remind us of his importance in God's plan of salvation and can help us to foster a greater devotion to this humble, steadfast servant of God. San Giuseppe, prega per noi!
* Blessed Pope John XXIII and Blessed JohnPaul II will be canonized on 27 April 2014
Recommended reading: Saint Joseph: His Life and His Role in the Church Today by Louise Bourassa Perrotta. ISBN: 0 87973 573 2.
The inclusion of St. Joseph's name in the Eucharistic prayers is relatively new. Pope John XXIII* issued the decree in November, 1962 adding this blessed Saint's name to the canon for the first time during the opening weeks of the Second Vatican Council. At this time there was only Eucharistic Prayer I. Eucharistic Prayers II,III, IV came into use on 23 May 1968 as part of the many liturgical reforms that came about after the Council.
An interesting side note to St. Joseph's insertion into the canon in 1962 is that it was met with objections from the Orthodox and Protestant representatives present at the Council who felt enough honor had already been accorded Joseph. Still many others felt very strongly about Joseph. Bishop Peter Cule of (then) Yugoslavia gave an impassioned plea to have Joseph's name included in the list of Saints. Though impatiently interrupted by Cardinal Ernesto Ruffini, who felt there were more pressing matters to be dealt with at the Council. Shortly afterwards, though, Pope John XXIII announced the inclusion of St. Joseph's name into the canon, giving poetic credence to Cule's heartfelt, "eloquent speech" about the merits of St. Joseph.
Joseph has much to teach us today. His immediate and freely given yes to God's plan shows us how to respond to God's call in our lives. St. Joseph's inclusion in all the Eucharistic Prayers continues to remind us of his importance in God's plan of salvation and can help us to foster a greater devotion to this humble, steadfast servant of God. San Giuseppe, prega per noi!
* Blessed Pope John XXIII and Blessed JohnPaul II will be canonized on 27 April 2014
Recommended reading: Saint Joseph: His Life and His Role in the Church Today by Louise Bourassa Perrotta. ISBN: 0 87973 573 2.