The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all./La gracia del Señor Jesucristo, el amor de Dios y la comunión del Espíritu Santo permanezcan con todos ustedes.—2 Corinthians 13:14
The Trinity is mystery, and not all mysteries need to be solved. With that thought in mind, this past Sunday some homilies for Trinity Sunday focused on beauty instead of mystery. Father Satish Joseph turned to beauty for this homily because, “the beauty of nature, the grandeur of creation, the vastness of the universe, the myriads of colors, the range of melodies, the variety of creatures, and the diversity of humanity are a reflection of the love of the God we call, Trinity. If creation, which reflects the Trinity is so beautiful, how much more beautiful must be the Trinity and the love between them.
To help us to see the imprint of the Trinity on all things Father Satish shared something a parishioner had written before he died: It is good to slow down and see the beauty in life. I don’t think most people ever do! There is truly something sacred in everything in life. And only a quiet mind can see the beauty and try not to capture it, contain it, put into words, ideas, theories, etc. Man is surrounded in love but can never slow down enough to see the beauty. If he did, he would never kill again, nor would he destroy the planet with his greed. Beauty, love, the sacred can never be contained by man’s attempt to seek it. It can come only to the person who can receive it, quietly, effortlessly, simply. For the self can never contain that which is immeasurable - the sacred.
Showcasing SHA talent: We can think of Jesus as the Good Shepherd as well as the Trinity in this collage by Louisa, Jacob, and Braden in 6th.
God Bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
5th Grade Aide