Parent Letter Faith Reflection

We know that all creation is groaning in labor pains even until now; and not only that, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, we also groan within ourselves as we await for adoption, the redemption of our bodies./Sabemos que la creación entera, hasta el presente, gime y sufre Dolores de parto. Y no sólo ella: también nosotros, que poseemos las primicias del Espíritu, gemimos interiormente anhelando que se realice la redención de nuestro cuerpo. Romans 8:22-23

    Pentecost is about the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the nascent community of disciples gathered after the resurrection. The Sunday readings from Acts recount the events that happened, how others who were near came to see what was happening when they heard a sound, and their astonishment at being able to understand the disciples in their own language.

    The readings for the vigil of Pentecost, on the other hand, have a different focus—they focus on hope, expectant hope. The vigil readings invite us to walk in hope as the passage above from the second reading in Romans shows. The vigil of Pentecost reminds us God the Spirit is still calling, still inviting us; the Spirit of God is still at work.

    The vigil readings also remind us that “the Christian journey is not a return to a perfect past but an experience of wayfaring with Abraham into the risky, mysterious future that can come about only when we trust God more than our own hopes and plans,” as Sister Mary M. McGlone said.

Showcasing SHA talent: Ethan in 4th, filled with the Holy Spirit, is being a Compassionate Caretaker of Creation.
God bless,

Mrs. Alhadef

Campus Minister

5th Grade Aide
