Were not our hearts burning within us?/¿No ardía acaso nuestro corazón? - Luke 24:32
At the USCCB meeting in November, Cardinal Christophe Pierre, the Apostolic Nuncio to the U.S., gave a talk to the bishops focusing on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35). Among other things he was there to remind the bishops about making synodality a present and on-going reality in our dioceses. May Cardinal Pierre’s reflection help us also to see the connection between synodality and the Eucharist:
What Jesus does with the disciples on the way to Emmaus is precisely the synodal path in its essential elements: encountering, accompanying, listening, discerning, and rejoicing at what the Holy Spriti reveals. As a result of this process, the disciples’ minds were enlightened, their hearts were set on fire, and then, through the breaking of the bread they were able to see what they had missed: Jesus was alive and he was with them!
This Eucharistic encounter with Christ changed the direction of their lives. It was a mystery intended not only for their contemplation, but it moved them into mission. Filled with joy, they hurried back to join the other disciples. For the first time they were able to proclaim the Gospel Jesus is alive! They were bringing others to faith, just as the risen Christ had done for them.
This is what I said on another occasion when asked to reflect on the Eucharist...:I am convinced that we need to have an eye-opening experience of the Eucharist...We need our perception of the Eucharist to be re-awakened to its incarnational dynamism. The Eucharist is encounter. It is movement. It is the power helping us to give new life. It makes us the living presence of Jesus to others.
Showcasing SHA talent: After a long walk the disciples might have needed a nap like Gracie in 4th shows.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
5th Grade Aide