The entire material universe speaks of God’s love, God’s boundless affection for us./Todo el universe material es un lenguaje del amor de Dios, de su desmerurado cariño hacia nosotros.—Laudato Sí 84
In continuing with Father Satish Joseph’s homily from early September, we pick up on his third focus on what love is: Love is commitment. “After all we have said and done, despite our best attitude, love may not always be reciprocated with love.” “We are going to encounter injustice, he tells us, but as Saint Paul said about owing nothing except to love one another (Rom 13:8), it means “we do not allow other people’s behavior to alter our capacity for love.” Love is commitment.
With this in mind we return to Pope Francis in keeping our commitment to taking care of each other and our common home because we are part of nature and “When we see God reflected in all that exists our hearts are moved to praise the Lord for all God’s creatures and to worship God in union with them/Cuando tomamos conciencia del reflejo de Dios que hay en todo lo que existe, el corazón experimenta el deseo de adorer al Señor por todas sus criaturas y junto con ellas.” (LS 87)
Showcasing SHA talent: The dog Ashlyn in 7th drew is enjoying God's creation (and probably looking for squirrels).
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
5th Grade Aide