Ever since the creation of the world God’s invisible attributes of eternal power and divinity have been able to be understood and perceived in what God has made—Romans 1:20
As Catholics we understand Jesus to be truly present in the Eucharist. To believe in Jesus’ real presence faith is a strong component for what we can’t physically see, but being able to see God’s presence everywhere also enriches our belief.
In thinking about Jesus’ presence everywhere I turned to Saint Francis of Assisi because he is well known for seeing the face of God in all creation. His Brother Son, Sister Moon canticle is testament to this. To this day, “the Franciscan disposition is that the reign of God is always at hand; the riches of God’s glory is present here and everywhere,” wrote Dan Riley, OFM, in his book, A Window of Beauty—Seeing God Everywhere. “Each creature is a vestige of God’s creative action and an expression of God’s loving Word/Cada criatura es un vestigio de la acción creativa de Dios y una expresión de la amorosa Palabra de Dios.” he wrote. “We need to look at everyone and everything and be amazed at the face of God looking back at us.”
To connect Franciscan theology to the concrete I turned to 7th grade. When asked how we can deepen our Eucharistic devotion and see the face of God everywhere Brookie immediately responded with, “When we see other animals care for each other.” To this Maddie quickly added that kindness shows the face of God to others. Remembering this advice of our wise 7th graders, after you have spent time in adoration remember to be kind to others.
Showcasing SHA talent: Karol in 7th shows us how beautiful God’s creation is.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
5th Grade Aide