Prayer is celebration. It is gratitude for what God has done, large and small, known and unknown...You pray to celebrate the glimpse of God’s goodness while you’re yet in the land of the living.— Dr. Yolanda Pierce
Last month Pope Francis was in Portugal for World Youth Day where about 1.5 million people were in attendance. Earlier this month he went to Mongolia where there are about 1.5 thousand Catholics in the entire country. What was so good to see was the pope giving the people of Mongolia the same attention as the larger venue. He didn’t by-pass going on an apostolic visit to a smaller population because, as he said in Mongolia, “Charity is a fundamental element of the Church’s identity/La dimensión caritativa funda la identidad de la Iglesia.” To do anything less would not be living the gospel Jesus taught: all are important, all are welcome, all are loved by God.
This is how we live out our faith, by having “a commitment to seeking what is best for others.” It will not always be easy but when we seek what is the best for others we will have a little “glimpse of God’s goodness” that Dr. Pierce spoke of above.
Showcasing SHA talent: Arianni, 5th, shows Jesus being a good shepherd which Pope Francis modeled in Mongolia.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
5th Grade Aide