Humility must accompany all our actions, must be with us everywhere; for as soon as we glory in our good works they are of no further value to our advancement in virtue. Charity is the root of all good works.—Saint Aiugustine
On his way to the conclave in 1958 that would elect him pope, then Cardinal Angelo Roncalli, soon to be Pope John XXIII, commented that, “We are not here to guard a museum, but to cultivate a flourishing garden of life.” During one of his meetings at World Youth Day, Pope Francis reminded those in attendance of these words when he talked about charity being the origin and goal of our Christian journey as we talked about last week.
Francis emphasized that we need to pay attention to the “here and now” so our faith does not become a museum. “Acting concretely,” as he phrased it, allows us to make the changes we need today—like moving 5th grade downstairs allowing space for a Transitional Kindergarten—so “wonderful things can happen.” We do this because doing “concrete” things “makes us happy not only in heaven but here on earth too because it expands our hearts and allows us to embrace the meaning of life./”Pero el amor no nos hará felices sólo cuando estemos en el cielo, sino que lo hace ya aquí en la tierra, porque dilata el corazón y nos permite abrazar el sentido de la existencia.”
Our role model in acting concretely is Jesus. We see how he reached out to the poor, the sick and blind, those who had lost their community. He preached the good news in words, but more importantly, in his actions. That’s what we strive for at SHA as we keep Jesus at the center of all that we do; Jesus’ love is present for all.
Showcasing SHA talent: The Eiffel tower showed cutting edge advancements for its time. Mariana’s tower reminds us we are cutting edge here at SHA.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
5th Grade Aide