The holiness to which the Lord calls you will grow through small gestures/La santidad a la que el Señor te llama irá creciendo con pequeños gestos. - Pope Francis, Gaudete et Exsultate
Seventh Grade had an assignment recently where they described holy moments in their lives and why these are important. Elijah’s was the first one I read and I liked it so much I immediately asked to share some of it here.
In his essay Elijah gives five ways to create holy moments. He starts first with “taking time to appreciate the beauty around us.” “Whether it’s a sunset, a flower, or a work of art, pausing to appreciate the world’s beauty can help us feel more connected to something greater than ourselves."
Practicing gratitude was something he saw as bringing a “sense of joy and contentment.” “One holy moment I created was when I wrote a letter to my parents thanking them for everything they had done for me. As I wrote the letter, I felt a sense of peace and love for my family.”
Elijah understands that forgiveness creates holy moments. “When we forgive someone, we release ourselves from the burden of anger and resentment.” “Acts of kindness can also create holy moments," he said. “When we do something kind for someone else, we not only make their day but also feel a sense of joy and fulfillment. One holy moment I created was when I volunteered at a local food bank. As I handed out food to people in need, I felt a deep sense of compassion and love for my community.”
Lastly, Elijah said, we sometimes overlook the simple things. Something as simple as taking time for ourselves can help us “feel more at peace and connected to our inner selves.” Holy moments, as Elijah has shown, are “moments of grace and connection to something greater than ourselves...By creating more holy moments we can live more meaningful and fulfilling lives.”
Showcasing SHA talent: Brielle in 4th shows what might happen if we don’t create holy moments.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
4th Grade Aide
Jr. High ELA Aide