Parent Letter Faith Reflection
“What a beautiful thing 'presence' is,” said Father Satish Joseph in his homily for the third Sunday of Easter.
Fr. Satish, a priest in Dayton, Ohio who I follow on social media, illustrated how important presence is by recounting his recent visit to his mum in India. Though under good care after a recent procedure she wasn’t as strong as she had been on his last visit. After spending a week with his mum she was in much better shape than when he first arrived; his presence is what brought about the change.
Last week Pope Francis reminded us that before we bring the good news we should ask ourselves three questions. One reason we ask ourselves these questions is because we are sharing a personal encounter with God. When we stop and ask if we believe and live what we are sharing we maintain a healthy zeal for Jesus not a distorted or misdirected zeal. In our excitement we can go in the wrong direction and make pronouncements and instead of witnessing to Jesus' presence among us.
This is where we come back to presence and Fr. Satish’s homily. As the two disciples were heading to Emmaus (the Gospel reading from last week) we know Jesus came along side them. They were downcast and disappointed but Jesus was present to them. He listened to them first and later when they broke bread they realized he had been with them all the time. As Fr. Satish said, “What a beautiful thing human presence is. Nothing heals...comforts...reassures more than human presence, human closeness, and human touch...That presence became the difference between hope and despair, between moving forward or backward, between living or giving up.”
When we evangelize, when we witness to God, may we have healthy zeal, and first and foremost be present to others.
Showcasing SHA talent: Jesus is present to the folks in 4th grade Ethan’s picture.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
4th Grade Aide
Jr. High ELA Aide