The Word of God calls us to conversion. It shakes us, disturbs us, incites us to change. It throws us into crisis because it “is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword...and judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart”(Heb 4:12)./La Palabra de Dios llama a la conversión: nos sacude, nos inquieta, nos apremia al cambio, nos pone en crisis porque “es viva y eficaz, y más cortante que cualquier espada de doble filo…y discierne los sentimientos y pensamientos del corazón.” - Pope Francis
Last week we talked about finding holiness in small everyday things that we encounter throughout our day. This week we following up on that, again pulling from a post on Where Peter Is. This time holiness is seen through the eyes of the priesthood of all the faithful.
As we continue in Ordinary Time, where we mark the weeks by numbers (ordinals) instead of by a feast name, we can overlook, as Gabriela Hicks, OCD wrote, the common priesthood of all the faithful. This priesthood that we received at our baptism “is part of our graced human nature and is therefore to be lived out in every action of that human nature, in every action we perform. Just as everything Jesus did was an expression of His priesthood, so everything we do is meant to be an expression of our priesthood as members of His Mystical Body.”
In showing us how God works “mostly at the grassroots level,” as Gabriella put it, we can begin to “trust in the action of God’s grace in us.” We begin to see that every action, like laughing at the silly magic tricks Cali and Arianni (4th) did at the talent show earlier this week, is God grace sanctifying all that is good. By allowing God’s grace to flow through our actions, however small, she said, “it can transform someone’s day.” These small, everyday actions “sanctify the people who receive them,”
Looking to our common priesthood is a reminder that living out the Gospel by example is virtuous and we make the world just that much better.
Showcasing SHA talent: Jeremiah in 4th shows Jesus being baptized by John the Baptist.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
4th Grade Aide
Jr. High ELA Aide